The Twelve Dancing Princesses
A Fairy Tale Ending for Everyone
The king is worried about his daughters. While they appear happy on the surface, they are each harboring a dark secret in private. It will take a clever wizardess and loving encouragement from their husbands to help them rekindle the passion in their marriages. This is a fun, erotic fairy tale for couples to share together (read more about THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES here).
The Ethics of Judge Nadeau
A True Story of the Ultimate Betrayal – and the Ethics that Make it Okay
Referencing real exhibits and depositions in an actual court case, The Ethics of Judge Nadeau provides a bird’s eye view into the reasoning behind behavior so outrageous and unethical it will take your breath away. This candid and humorous account of Judge Nadeau’s antics (in and out of the courtroom) is as entertaining as it is disturbing.
(read more about THE ETHICS OF JUDGE NADEAU here).